
JudyDesign was born from a dream, fueled by passion and has flourished thanks to the support of its partners and its beautiful community of JUDY'S BABES!

Our history

The adventure began in 1999 when JudyDesign was managed by only one woman, Julie Doyon (JUDY). A designer by training, Julie has always had the ambition to create pieces paying homage to the woman's body in all its forms. Always believing that when a woman feels sexy, nothing is impossible for her! Watch out World!

With the help of its partner/bestie/stylist Natacha, the brand has captured the hearts of women across Canada by participating in several fashion clearance sales, summer markets and pop-up boutiques. Today, the 2 boss ladies are not stopping their efforts. They create original collections and unearth unique pieces from around the world to enhance each person’s style.

They draw inspiration from their valued customers, taking each comment into account. They are also close to their community! You can also find them every Wednesday, during their Facebook live, or make an appointment with them for a private shopping experience.

Our mission

You make you want to feel beautiful again through fashion. JudyDesign aspires to promote the beauty of women in all its forms by offering ADAPTABLE, FEMININE and ELEGANT style clothing with an EDGY touch

Our vision

Over the years, the brand has been built around a mix of basics, able to bridge the gap between the office look and the trendy 5 to 7 look. Inspired by versatility, well-being and active life, JudyDesign is proud to offer women asymmetrical tunics, relaxed tops, comfortable separates and easy-to-wear dresses.

To do our part...

We firmly believe that small actions can lead to big things. It is precisely with small gestures that we contribute to the development of our community and the world in which we live. From packaging to product, through production and the choices of our partnerships: every aspect of our business is managed and implemented to minimize our ecological footprint and increase positive engagement for the causes that are close to our hearts .


Que dirais-tu que ta commande soit envoyée dans un emballage réutilisable ?

How about your order being sent in reusable packaging?

Pour te remercier de choisir cette option écologique et québécoise, tu obtiendras 5$ de rabais sur ta prochaine commande*

Prendre note que certains produits ne sont pas encore admissibles à la livraison PickPack
Please note that some products are not yet eligible for PickPack delivery

PickPack est une solution écologique et québécoise qui permet de faire la différence pour notre planète.

Comment ça fonctionne? How does it works?
1. Choisis l’option OUI JE VEUX FAIRE LA DIFFÉRENCE (supplément de 3,99$)
2. Après avoir reçu ton colis, retourne l’emballage GRATUITEMENT dans n’importe quelle boîte postale ou comptoir Postes Canada
3. Obtiens de rabais sur ta prochaine commande

Voir la procédure de retour (Collaboration avec Postes Canada)

View the return procedure (Collaboration with Canada Posts)

Ma commande PickPack sera livrée au Canada

My PickPack order will be delivered to Canada

Optez pour une
livraison 0 déchet

Choose a zero-waste
delivery option

*Certains produits ne sont pas encore admissibles à la livraison pickpack
*Some products are not yet eligible for PickPack delivery

Ma commande sera livrée au Canada

My order will be delivered to Canada

Ma commande sera livrée au Canada

My order will be delivered to Canada

*Vous devez choisir l'option ET retourner votre emballage tel que convenu.
*You must choose the PickPack option AND return your packaging as agreed.